Our mission...
I started to develop this format with a group of friends as a way to create fun new ways to play Star Wars: Unlimited.
This format will add some new twists to deck building, it will restrict your card pool, but still allows you to explore most all of the key concepts that the developers originally intended. We also hope this will give players to build decks around strategies/characters they love, that might be a little too underpowered for competitive play.
Restricting the card pool to only commons felt like it would restrict the card pool too much, and it would cut out most of the named units that we have grown to love over the years, so i decided that we would allow up to 3 playsets of uncommon cards, but mandated that they be unique units. This way you can still have a cohesive strategy to build your deck around.
Originally, we planned only including a total of 4 uncommons, but that just made the decks feel severely underpowered, and made the deck building process feel clunky. Adding the 3x3 rule really opened up the deck building process.
In initial deck brewing, it seems like this format will gravitate towards thematic, theme centric builds, so we will keep an eye on the building rules, and make adjustments as we deem them necessary.
If you like the idea and want to join our community, click the link at the top to join our discord!
Farmboy follows the basic deck building rules of the premier format. A deck will consist of 50 cards, and you may include a maximum of 3 copies of a card. All leaders will be available for deck building that are not on the banned list. Right now, only Boba Fett, Collecting the Bounty is banned, but Sabine and Han1 are being closely monitored. Below is a list of all the deck building restrictions we have added to the format.
- You may not use any rare or legendary cards when building your deck.
- You may only include 3 playsets of 3 different unique units (the 3x3 rule). All special cards will be considered uncommon for deck building purposes (this excludes convention promos).
- The rest of your cards, must be of the common rarity ( this includes bases ). For now, any card that was printed at common will be considered a common for deck building purposes.
Ban List
We will be evaluating the health of the format as it progresses. As more people build decks and play, some dominant cards will reveal themselves. We will address those cards will an updated ban list with the release of each set.
Boba Fett, Collecting the Bounty
Imperial Decree - https://swudb.com/deck/RmGtQGQbpYad
Sabine Green - https://swudb.com/deck/WSDdXRHJeY